Where would you look for a house? In the real estate section of the daily newspaper or conveniently on the computer? According to a Statista study on the most popular media for property searches, 4 out of 10 Austrians use a property platform. Real estate agent websites come in second place, followed by social media networks.
As a Tyrolean seller, you have access not only to the websites of the regional media but also to numerous national platforms where you can advertise your house. For placing an ad online for 14 days, you pay an average of 25 euros. If you put your ad online for a month on 10 different property portals, it will cost you 500 euros. Do you want to afford that?
The 3 strongest real estate platforms in Tyrol
As real estate agents in Tyrol, we have made the experience that the same three platforms always achieve the best results when it comes to selling a house in Tyrol: immowelt.at, immobilienscout24.at and immo.tt.at. Why do these three portals have such great success? They have the highest visibility and reach in the province. We explain why this is so with the help of facts and figures that our online marketing agency collected in a small visibility analysis of Google search queries. Why did they focus on Google? According to Statista Austria, with a market share of 95 percent, Google is the most used search engine in Austria.
Key words for success
Google works with so-called keywords in its search. These are search terms that are regularly searched for all over the world. The database "ahref" collects keywords worldwide - meanwhile there are 9.5 billion, 28 million of them in Austria. In visibility analyses, professionals can use the data to see under how many keywords a website can be found on the first 10 pages of Google. The keyword analysis does not provide absolute results, but the numbers can be used well as comparative values. For a more detailed understanding, let's look at the next graphic:
The website immobilienscout24.at is found on the first 10 Google results pages with 41,917 keywords according to the ahref database. For example, if you search for "real estate", "buy a house" or "immoscout", the search engine's algorithm suggests the website Immobilienscout24.at; it thinks you will find what you are looking for there.
The real estate portal immowelt.at can also be found in the top 100 Google results with 41,326 keywords in the ahref database. This means: If someone is looking for a property in Tyrol, the probability is very high that they will land on this website. Consequently, it is advisable to create an advertisement there as well.
The real estate platform of the Tyrolean daily newspaper immo.tt.at is far behind the competition in comparison with the other two portals with 4,787 keywords in the ahref database. However, from our many years of experience I can assure you that advertisements on the website are nevertheless very successful. Why is that? For this, we take a closer look at the search queries on Google.
Tyroleans read their TT
The fact that the Tyroleans love their TT is shown by figures directly from Google. The programme "Google Keyword Planner" was used for the analysis. It shows advertisers who want to advertise on the Google search engine how often a certain term is entered in a certain region.
You can see that in the last 12 months in Austria, searches for immo tt were made 14,800 times per month, for immoscout 27,100 times and for immowelt 33,100 times; these values were rounded to the nearest 10. If one limits the search to enquiries from Tyrol, the result for the last year is an average of 12,100 search enquiries per month for immo tt. In comparison, immoscout and immowelt only receive 4,400 and 5,200 searches per month respectively in Tyrol.*
To verify this result, our online marketing agency worked with another Google service. With "Google Trends", different search terms are compared with each other and displayed graphically. The red line marks the search volume via mobile phones, while the blue line shows the total number of queries. Our online marketing agency took a closer look at the distribution of search queries in Austria. For example, how often was immo tt googled in Tyrol? How many searches were there for immoscout24 or immowelt in comparison?
As you can see, Tyroleans not only rely on their TT for news, but also search for houses there most often. More than half of the house hunters from Tyrol therefore prefer the portal of the daily newspaper.
Our recommendation is therefore to place your advertisements on immowelt.at, immobilienscout24.at and immo.tt.at if you want to get good offers as cheaply and quickly as possible.
* Please note that the statistics for searches from Tyrol are a proportional comparison. For its statistics, Google uses the IP addresses of the devices and the internet access points. Most access points for mobile internet - such as Netcubes - or mobile phones have a Vienna IP address and are not included in the statistics for queries from Tyrol. Therefore, this information only serves as an indication that the real estate platform of the Tiroler Tageszeitung has the highest search volume in Tyrol.
Create an advertisement: What is the right way?
Due to the large offer of houses on the above-mentioned platforms, it is important that you stand out with your listing. We give you a step-by-step guide on how to do this.
- Find a good title
Your advertisement has to stand out against umpteen others. In order for interested parties to take notice of your offer, a unique selling point must already appear in the title. "Single-family home in a good location" is not specific enough, whereas the title "Modern single-family home in the city centre" highlights two special features. - Fill in everything
It sounds logical, but really fill in all the fields of the form; depending on the platform, this can be over 50 details. The more information you give the prospective buyer, the more precisely he can imagine what to expect. This will save you answering many emails from buyers asking for exactly this information. We have summarised which information you should provide and where you can get it from in a checklist for selling a house. - Take good photos
An advertisement lives on the pictures. No matter how well you describe your house, if buyers are offered no photos or photos of poor quality, they will be put off. Therefore, make sure to take high-resolution pictures. Again, the more photos the better. - Create a description
You should write a good description so that prospective buyers can read all the important information in summary form. Be careful not to underplay or try to sell your house to the buyer in a pushy way. It is also important that you adapt your description to your property. For the sale of a villa, you need more arguments to convince the prospective buyer to buy than for a garçonnière. - Obtain a floor plan
To be prepared for all eventualities, you should obtain a floor plan to be on the safe side. You can provide this either in the online advertisement or at the viewing appointments. The sooner potential buyers can get a picture of your house, the more likely you are to send an enquiry. That is why we advise you to include the plan already in the advertisement. - Be reachable
A prospective buyer sends you an enquiry, but you are in the office and don't reply until after work. Waiting for a response is tedious for the potential buyer and could lead them to prefer to go to another seller. So make sure you are easily accessible and can respond quickly to enquiries.
With these tips, you can create an advertisement that attracts attention. You can publish it on the platforms mentioned above. The offers will then certainly not be long in coming.
Conclusion: The right platforms are crucial
As you have seen, you do not need to advertise on as many platforms as possible, but only on the right ones. If you then design a good advertisement, you will quickly receive good offers.
I hope I have been able to help you with your house sale with this blog post. Of course, I am not writing this entirely without self-interest. I would also like to show you how much money and work goes into creating, posting and maintaining the advertisements. If you want to save yourself this effort, we will be happy to advise you and take this step off your hands. Interested? Then click on the purple button and inquire with us without obligation!
With kind regards
Yours, Bernhard Großruck
I would like help selling my house.
Would you like to know more about selling a house?
- Topic #1: "House sale" checklist: How to proceed ideally step by step
- Topic #2: Advertise your house correctly: How to get good offers quickly
- Topic #3: House sale and taxes (Part1/2): How much do you have to pay to the state?
- Topic #4: House sale and taxes (Part2/2): How to keep your house sale tax-free!
- Topic #5: These 5 mistakes cost too much money when selling a house
- Topic #6: Estate agent commission when selling a house: Money well invested or a rip-off?
- Topic #7: With and without an estate agent: How not to give away money when selling a house
- Topic #8: Renting out or selling a house: Expert explains the pros and cons
- Topic #9: Selling a house with an estate agent: What you need to know about the process
- Topic #10: Bank vs. estate agent: Who do I turn to when selling a house?
- Topic #11: Selling a house: How to shorten the selling time!
- Topic #12: At the notary/lawyer: Without these documents the house sale falls through
- Topic #13: Selling a house: What are the advantages and disadvantages of mediation orders?
- Topic #14: House sale - How much is your house worth?
- Topic #15: Recognising the perfect time to sell: 3 insider tips from the estate agent
- Topic #16: Sell your house discreetly - so no one notices!
Photo: Svitlana- stock.adobe.com